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Partita č.2 d moll pro sólo housle BWV1004, Sonáta č.3 C dur pro sólo housle BWV1005 180gr LP

Kyung-Wha Chung - violin

Miss Chung brings to the Bach the qualities of
impeccable technique of bow and finger, and of a
rich tone available in a wide range of dynamic.
These are formidable qualities indeed, and the
formidable music responds well to them. In Miss
Chung?s elevated context ... there are choices to
be made in every bar about which notes to sustain
and which to let go, as well as which parts to
keep in tempo and which to make subsidiary. Many
facets of her playing here will without doubt win
the whole-hearted admiration of those colleagues
as well as of the rest of us; and the disc is very
well recorded indeed. - Gramophone

Format: 1LP 180g 33rpm / standard sleeve
Release date: 11.12.2017
Manufacturer: Analogphonic
Original label: Decca
Genre: Classical

Kat.č.: CL 43071  (LP - audiofilský vinyl), Analogphonic, cena: 949.00 , EAN: 8808678160710 skladem: 0ks, expedujeme do 2-40 dnů